Thought for the day...
M. Scott Peck - Author who passed away this past Sunday
Rantings, ravings and observations on life in general... sometimes serious, other times funny, irreverent or just plain sarcastic. I will also regale you with musings as a divorced father trying to raise his son.
I am sure that there are many others that I am missing but this is not meant to be a comprehensive list, just some obvious thoughts.
Now if you are a private citizen who is planning on returning to the city, here are some points to ponder.
Again I am sure that I am missing a number of other things. But these are just obvious ones that quickly come to mind.
But even with all these things to consider, the mayor wanted to let people start returning. Then this afternoon comes word that after talking with the President (and I am sure a number of other smarter people) that the mayor is now reversing his decision and is tellin people to once again evacuate New Orleans and the surrounding areas.
The reason.....Hurricane Rita.
Yes, another Hurricane. Rita is is the western carribean and heading towards the Florida Keys. It is then expected to pass between the Keys and Cuba and into the Gulf of Mexico where it can then suck up the warm waters of the Gulf and Supersize itself into another kick-ass Hurricane. Will it become a monster the likes of Katrina? Who knows... I doubt that it will. However this hurricane is enough to have a lot of people wetting their pants.
Mayor Nagin announced that if the area was to receive 8 inches of rain, or a storm surge of at least 3 feet, that the city would once again be in dire straights. NO KIDDING !
Maybe the Mayor needs to think before speaking. Politically he got lucky, he can blame the change in plans on another hurricane. But really, did he maybe think about some of the points I have made above and think to himself that maybe people moving back so quickly is not a good idea? I doubt it, but I would like to think that.
Again, maybe that is just too simple.....